Under 14 Division Rules

Players' Equipment

  • Soccer cleats and shin guards are required.  Metal cleats are prohibited.
  • Full uniform issued by Parkland Soccer for the year currently playing and must be worn on game day.  The uniform consists of a team jersey, black shorts & coordinating socks.  Any player not wearing the complete uniform issued will leave the field to change.
  • Jewelry is NOT allowed, including, but not limited to: earrings, necklaces, bracelets. No hard casts of any kind.


The Ball

  • The game ball size is #5. At the beginning of each game, each team will present a ball to the referee, who will select one as the official game ball.


Number of Players

  • The maximum number of players on the field will be 11. 
  • Both teams must have an equal number of players on the field at all times with the following exceptions:
    1. One or more players from the same team have been shown a red card.
    2. If a team is leading by 3 goals they must remove a player until the goal differential drops to 2; if leading by 4 goals will play 2 players down until differential drops to 3; if leading by 5 goals will play 3 players down until differential drops to 4. No team will play with more than 3 players down due to this rule.
    3. If one team has 9 players or fewer at the beginning of the game, they may choose to play with one substitute to allow their players to have a rest, BUT MUST ROTATE EACH PLAYER ON THE TEAM (Except goalkeeper) AT LEAST ONCE BEFORE SUBSTITUTING ANY PLAYER A 2ND TIME.


Game Duration

  • The game will consist of two (30) minute halves, with a five-minute break at the half time.


Water Breaks

  • In any match played in Parkland Recreational Soccer we will have water breaks as outlined below:
    • The air temperature is 80 degrees or higher, OR
    • BOTH coaches request the break, OR
    • The referee feels it is necessary for the safety and welfare of the players.
  • The break will be given at a normal stoppage of play and will last no longer than 2 minutes. 
  • Water breaks are not a coaching opportunity. Coaches should be ensuring the players are hydrating at that time


Substitutions, Playing Time, and Other Rules

  • Substitutions can be made only when your team has possession of the ball after going out of play (your own goal kick, corner kick or throw in) or when the opposing team is also substituting. No substitutions shall be made on any free kicks or penalty kicks unless to replace an injured player who is unable to continue. 
  • Substitutes should be on the touchline (sideline) and only enter after other player has left field of play. WAIT until the referee gives you permission after calling for substitution.
  • Every player must play at least 50% of the game.  However, no player will sit an entire half of a game.  You must rotate all the children throughout the game.  This includes the coaches children.


Heading of the Ball

  • In divisions U14 and U18 intentional heading of the ball IS allowed.
  • If any player is hit on the head by the ball the referee should stop play to check on the player and have the coach come on to the field and remove the player if necessary.
  • In this circumstance play will restart with a dropped ball at the site of the incident unless the incident also involved a foul. If the incident involved a foul then the restart would be appropriate to that foul.



  • ONLY two coaches from each team are permitted in the lined coaches boxes.  Parents and spectators may not be in the box at any time during the game.  
  • Coaches are REQUIRED to wear the official coach’s shirt provided by the Club to help identify them as coaches. There cannot be any additional coaches on the parent/spectator side of the field at any time 
  • Coaches are responsible for the parents of the team.  If a parent/spectator becomes rude or verbally abusive, the referee will warn the coach to contain his or her parents.  If the coach is unable to stop the offensive actions, the referee will take whatever action is appropriate.
  • Each coach must sign a Coaches’ Conduct Form at the beginning of the season.  Any concerns or comments about a coach’s conduct should be directed to the Division Coordinator.
  • All coaches must have completed the new Concussion Guidelines for Coaches Course that is required by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) this is an on line course that must be completed before we begin playing.  The link for this site can be found here. Once completed you MUST print a copy of the certificate and provide to the Division Director for our insurance carrier to comply with their regulations.



  • Referees must have the right of way over parents and coaches during the game.  Spectators standing or sitting close to the lines can not only adversely affect the official’s ability to call an accurate game, but may endanger the safety of the players as well.
  • Coaches are responsible for the parents of the team.  If a parent/spectator becomes rude or verbally abusive, the referee will warn the coach to contain his or her parents.  If the coach is unable to stop the offensive actions, the referee will take whatever action is appropriate.
  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to make the sport of soccer a positive and enjoyable experience for the children so they may continue this life experience into the future.



  • All decisions by the referee are final and are not subject to review.  Any concerns or comments about any referee should be directed to the Director of Referees after the game.  Harassment or abuse of any referee, player or spectator will not be tolerated.



  • Soccer is played, rain or shine, but at the first sign of lightning or high wind, all games will be canceled and all players, coaches, officials and spectators will be required to leave the park.
  • When the lightning alert alarm at the parks is activated it sounds 1 long blast of an air horn.  And the amber light flashes on top of the concession building. All persons must leave the fields immediately and cannot return until the “all clear” is given by a 3 short blasts of the air horn.
  • The City of Parkland also maintains a field condition hotline to confirm field schedules and weather cancellations. You can reach the hotline at (954) 757-4110. It is updated daily.


Should you have any questions about your division, please feel free to contact your division director