Return-To-Play During COVID-19

Parkland Soccer Club is following federal, state and local directives that must be followed by all players and spectators. We also strongly encourage our families to follow the recommended CDC guidelines for youth sports participation. Your understanding and cooperation will help insure a safe and healthy activity for everyone.

The guidelines listed below apply to our youth players, coaches, families and spectators.

General Guidelines

  • All field areas, including sidelines, are allowed to have a maximum capacity, including players, coaches, and spectators. This will be monitored by the City of Parkland Park Rangers and Parkland Soccer Board members.
  • Arrival & departure will be staggered by game times since there must be a minimum of a 15-minute gap to allow for players and parents to arrive and leave without overlap or gathering.
  • Please arrive no sooner than 15 minutes before game time and please do not remain on the field after the game to minimize crowds on game days.
    All players must maintain 6’ physical distancing between players when off the fields/not playing. All coaches will maintain proper social distancing. Spectators must maintain 6’ between family groups at all times.
  • When possible, we are requesting 1 spectator per family. We encourage families to remain in their cars or stand away from the fields with proper social distancing from other parents/spectators.
  • In the event of delays – and especially for lightening alerts – players and families should return to their cars and not congregate in park pavilions and shelters.
  • Hydration & snacks: Each player must bring her/his own drink with the player’s name on bottle even if the parent holds the drink. Shared water bottles and food sharing are not permitted. Coaches/volunteers cannot provide any drinks or hydration for players.
  • All players must bring and utilize their own soccer ball for practice and pre-game warm up.  
  • Please bring hand sanitizer for players with their name on it. Soccer balls, clothing and other personal equipment should be sanitized following use by each family.
  • We will practice Touchless Sportsmanship: No huddles; high-fives, elbow bumps, knuckles…
  • All youth coaches will wear face coverings. Face coverings are also encouraged for all spectators (except children under 2 years old) when walking to and from field areas or walkways and anywhere that social distancing is difficult.


  • If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON’T. You are the only one who will make the decision when your child returns to play.
  • Check child’s temperature before coming to practices or games.
  • Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every practice or game.
  • Ensure all equipment is sanitized before and after every session.
  • The parent of a player who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19 should advise  the league at
  • Common Symptoms of COVID-19:
    • Fever > 100.4
    • Tiredness/ Fatigue
    • Muscle Pain (not ordinarily felt after a training/game)
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
  • Any player that tests positive for COVID-19 must provide a Negative PCR test to return to play.
  • Any player who has direct exposure to COVID-19 must notify the league and quarantine for 14 days before returning to play. 
  • Adhere to social distancing guidelines. Keep 6' from other family groups on the sideline.
  • Gloves and face coverings are recommended for parents.


  • If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON’T.
  • Adhere to all Return to Play Protocols.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training/games.
  • Wash & sanitize training equipment after every training/game.
  • Do not share water, food, or equipment.
  • Respect and practice social distancing.
  • Place equipment, bags, etc. at least 6 feet apart.
  • No high fives, handshakes, knuckles or group celebrations.
  • Gloves and face coverings are allowed for players but not required.