Field Information
All practices and games for Parkland Soccer are held at Pine Trails Park, which is located at 10555 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076.
There are fields at the entrance (fields 1-5) and the rear (fields 6-9) of the park. Here is a guild to where your child's division will be playing:
Divisions U5, U6, and U7: Fields 6 and 7, which is located at the rear of the park.
Divisions U9, U11, U14, and U18: Fields 1-5, which is located at the entrance of the park.
Below is a map for your reference.

Field Conditions/Weather
- Soccer is played, rain or shine, but at the first sign of lightning or high wind, all games will be canceled and all players, coaches, officials and spectators will be required to leave the park.
- When the lightning alert alarm at the parks is activated it sounds 1 long blast of an air horn. And the amber light flashes on top of the concession building. All persons must leave the fields immediately and cannot return until the “all clear” is given by a 3 short blasts of the air horn.
- The City of Parkland also maintains a field condition hotline to confirm field schedules and weather cancellations. You can reach the hotline at (954) 757-4110. It is updated daily after 4:00 pm.